The events in Ukraine are already starting to affect Russian-Chinese trade. "The sharp rise in the dollar exchange rate on the stock exchanges, the closure of trading and the crazy price tag of one hundred rubles per dollar in exchange offices will eventually affect the wallets of ordinary buyers. Even now, Chinese cargo is sending lightning to Russian recipients about the need to buy goods urgently. at the rate of the Central Bank, but at the rate at which dollars can be redeemed in an exchanger," Maksim Spassky, a member of the General Council of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Manufacturers, told He reports that the Chinese partners are "terrified" because the prices of many goods have already risen very much during the pandemic, and given the further appreciation of the dollar, many goods will become so expensive that we will not be able to buy them at all. On the other hand, companies that work for export will be in the black. For them, dollar revenue will be an incentive for business development. "But if we look at the structure of Russian exports, we will see that 90% of the population will not be affected in any way. Under these conditions, the question arises of the survival of Russian business, of how it should continue to function in general. We still have not won back the losses 2014, and now, if we still sink twice, for example, to 150-160 rubles per dollar, how much will the real purchasing power of the population decrease? Evaluate the actions of the authorities in this situation, I want to say one thing, that we are on the verge of events that we cannot predict," he concluded.